'Members of the recovery community, at varying stages of recovery, are available to share their experiences to services and organisations. We also offer talks regarding addiction in the workplace'.
At Creative Start CIC, we believe in using everything available to achieve and maintain recovery from addiction. To this end we are currently delivering a project on behalf of our Recovery Community, called ‘Comeback Connections’.
This project aims to provide connections between local people, services and workplaces in order to create more opportunities for people and families to find the support that is currently available to them.
Members of the recovery community including lived experience recovery workers and volunteers at varying stages of their recovery, are available to share their experiences to services and organisations.
Members are available to talk honestly and openly about their own lived experiences in addiction and recovery and how they have achieved and maintained their recovery and talking about the importance of community, honesty and having purpose in recovery.
Addiction does not discriminate, it can affect anyone at any time. The lived experiences of our team who are in active recovery themselves, help to promote recovery at all levels and across a range of services and organisations.
The project is also designed to help our volunteers build their confidence and self-esteem alongside raising awareness and promoting recovery, providing an invaluable insight into addiction, associated mental health issue and the recovery process.
We aim to remove much of the stigma surrounding addiction and the recovery process and encourage others to seek the help, support and guidance required to help achieve their own personal recovery.
Workplaces often reflect what goes on in society. Since substance addiction and associated mental-health issues are significant social problems, they are also workplace issues.
Increasingly, employers are getting better at identifying and supporting employees experiencing difficulties. But there are still many people who find it difficult to cope with their addiction in the workplace, for many reasons.
At our recovery hub in Grimsby we get many calls for help from addicts in employment.
They are often either too afraid to approach their employer for fear of losing their job or have found there is no provision for their predicament in their workplace.
Despite our success in helping these people into recovery (while still maintaining their employment), it has led us to understand the short-comings of the average UK workplace and how we can directly help organisations to improve the situation.
Our goal is to equip workers, staff and managers with the knowledge, peer support skills and an understanding of recovery resources that will enable them to signpost and support any of their co-workers, friends and families into recovery.
These positive changes can help establish better internal workplace cultures which, in turn, create enabled, resilient workers.
We are always looking for ways to increase awareness of our other recovery projects throughout the wider local community; our recovery drop-in and art studio ‘The Comeback’ on Abbey Walk in Grimsby, our heritage and restoration community workspace ‘The Great Escape’ and our newly opened community venue 'Blackgull', both based on Grimsby Docks.
If you are interested in finding out more, become a partner or to get in touch to organise a visit to your business or organisation, please contact our team at ‘The Comeback’.
Telephone: 07586 458586
Email: hello@the-comeback.org
Interested in our volunteers attending your organisation? Download the application form.
You can contact us if you want to talk through any issues you're having.
This number is manned during opening hours only. Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm.
'Creative Start have made a massive impact on the lives of others by inspiring them to focus on recovery and giving them the confidence to pursue their own creative directions'.
Follow us on our social platforms to find out more about our story and share your ideas and creative work with others in recovery.
You can contact us directly if you want to talk through any issues you're having.
This number is manned during opening hours only. Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm.
Creative Start Art in Health CIC
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