Friendship and community can be really important for anyone who is in early recovery from addiction. When people first become free of addiction, they can feel lonely, highly vulnerable and have a lot of uncertainty about the future.
Early recovery can be a lonely time if people do not have a good support network around them. This is because they will have needed to say goodbye to their old friends who are still drinking or using drugs.
Having friends in recovery and being in regular contact with people who have already gone some distance on the path of recovery means they can act as guides, offer advice, give their support and warn against potential pitfalls.
Spending time with others in recovery as part of our community can be inspirational and fun, living proof that it is possible to build a good life away from addiction and a great way to avoid relapses from boredom!
Although there is support for people in active addiction available in Grimsby, there is very little support and limited activities for people who are in a programme of abstinence.
Based at Abbey Walk in Grimsby and open 5 Days a week from 10am to 3pm, Creative Start opened 'The Comeback' Addiction Recovery Drop-In and Arts Studio in Grimsby to create an opportunity for us to help change that.
There are lots of 'rehabilitation' services in North East Lincolnshire.
We can signpost a number of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings, so if you get in touch we can tell you more about them.
You can contact us if you want to talk through any issue you're having and we'll try to point you in the right direction.
We also hold an open morning every Monday where you can ask any questions that might be concerning you.
If you are already in recovery and are worried about relapsing, we might be able to help through one of our projects or we can talk to you about other services that are available throughout the local area.
It's also worth checking our
online help page. Many organisations have taken their meetings online or you could give their helpline a call.
Fill out our simple referral form and get access to the help you need, or call us on 07586 458 586 for a confidential chat with one of our peer-support volunteers.
Keep in touch with us on social media as we regularly post events and projects to get involved with.
'Art of Recovery' Workshops
Art is a great way to successfully clear a busy mind. It provides a structure and a work ethic that may not be found in other activities. Our Art in Recovery Workshops are designed to get our members to start thinking creatively and for themselves.
Our 'Art in Recovery' workshops are delivered by our team of art mentors at our art studio with all materials, canvases, paint and brushes provided by our service.
The Comeback', is staffed by people with lived experience of recovery from addiction, including alcohol, drugs, gambling, internet addiction etc.
We believe in using everything you can to aid recovery and engage in activities that promote self-esteem and well-being.
Complementary and holistic therapies are proven to help addiction recovery and mental health when combined with traditional treatments, counselling and self-help groups
Ranging from mindfulness and meditation, massage therapies, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, yoga etc to outdoor activities, community walks, wellbeing and selfcare workshops.
As well as counselling, these types of therapy can help you relax, relieve symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety and help you focus, manage cravings and heal your body mind and spirit, naturally.
'The Comeback' officially opened in 2019 providing a much needed drop-in space for local people in recovery from addiction.
'The Comeback' is located on the site of a former art gallery in Grimsby town centre on Abbey Walk.
It is a fresh and lively take on a modern Art Studio and Gallery for our local members in recovery from addiction and home to the Creative Start 'Art in Recovery' Workshops.
As with all our projects, we look at empowering people over the age of 18 and in abstinence-based recovery to take ownership from the very start.
The amazing renovation of the building is testament to our member's hard work and efforts.
We've kept the light and vibrant look of the previous gallery, but made the space our own.
We wanted to make an impact when you walk in to the building!
We've kitted the entrance out with a few choice renovations and put our signature mural on the wall.
The Studio is where the work happens!
From recovery meetings to art in recovery workshops, our fully equipped studio is a communal space for our members to use.
When the sun finally shines, we like to open our Art Studio to the elements for some fresh air and natural light.
We're in the progress of installing some outdoor benches, a bit of greenery and a barbecue to create a space for work and play during the warmer months.
The most important room in the building! We always need space to make a brew.
We've put in some extra equipment to ensure we can run our regular breakfast club, always needed before a day of painting!
We've recently equipped one of the upstairs rooms with a wide selection of computers and printing equipment for members.
This room is where we design and create promotional merchandise to help us sustain our service and members can digitise their artwork to sell on our online store.
Complementary and holistic therapies are proven to help addiction recovery and mental health when combined with traditional treatments, counselling and self help groups.
Our new wellbeing room has been equipped with all the facilities needed.
Home for our Underdog Arts podcast.
We've recently added new podcasting equipment for up to 4 members with the addition of external guests via mobile connection.
Being social can be draining! We've recently created a 'quiet' space for members to reflect and spend time away from the crowd.
We also have professional counsellors that regularly volunteer to come in and work with our members.
Follow us on our social platforms to find out more about our story and share your ideas and creative work with others in recovery.
You can contact us directly if you want to talk through any issues you're having.
This number is manned during opening hours only. Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm.
Creative Start Art in Health CIC
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