Art in Recovery

Art in Recovery Workshops are designed to aid and support members whose lives are affected by addictive behaviour.

Art in Recovery Workshops are designed to aid and support members whose lives are affected by addictive behaviour.

The workshop is run by an experienced artist & mentor to help addicts in recovery.

Our aim is to provide a relaxed environment where people can talk openly about their addiction issues & creative therapy is introduced as a tool to help with these issues.

Our vision is to help members create works of art that show quality & emotion. Art will be exhibited locally to rebuild confidence and self-esteem, thus aiding recovery & bringing art to the community.

Our priority is for the care and support of our members.

Art in Recovery is run by addiction specialists (who have been addicts themselves and/or helped others beat addiction) who can provide counselling for both addicts and their affected others.

This can be provided in the form of group therapy or one to one when required. If we feel that other help is required we are in direct contact with appropriate services in the area.

Our workshops provide a non-judgemental environment where members can talk openly about issues regarding addiction. It aims to bring more structure, stability & serenity to people's lives. It focuses on building members self-esteem and well-being through art & creativity.

The project is led by artist and mentor Sam Delaney. As well as being an experienced artist Sam has 8 years' experience working with addicts and affected others in a group & art therapy environment. Sam offers support and guidance on both art and recovery from addiction.

We are now focusing on bringing the art to the public eye and working towards making the project self-sustainable.

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