Get Involved
We are a community based, not for profit, primarily dependant on public donations and contributions.
As our profile increases we expect to receive donations towards the 'Recovery Community'.
Donations will also be encouraged via public talks by people in abstinence and family members.
This year we held talks at local Rotary clubs and the Lions. After hearing the talk both organisations made donations and we were the Havelock Rotary Clubs charity of the year.
Through this promotion, we aim to gain more donations to our cause and also create more awareness around recovery, the impact on families and the mutual aid support we provide.
A wealthy businessman based in Singapore recently reached out to us, he was impressed with the work we do with those in recovery and has offered to make us a donation. We will be meeting with him soon to discuss the possibility of him becoming a patron.
Last year we also received a number of kind Donations, some were from local businesses wishing to remain anonymous and also from members of the public.
One was office furniture to the value of £5000 from a local businessman that has retired and the other was high-quality art materials and equipment to the value of £6000.
We want to continue to replicate this success for the benefit of the Recovering Community.
Following mutual aid principles all of our support groups, art groups and activities will be free of charge to people in abstinence but run on donation.
This is similar to how Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous work, so that all groups can become fully self-sustaining.
All financial contributions from the support groups and workshops delivered from the premises will be re-invested into the development and sustainability of the 'Recovery Community'.
Other ways to donate:
Keep an eye out on our facebook pages to see any new initiatives.
You can contact us directly if you want to talk through any issues you're having.
This number is manned during opening hours only. Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm.
Creative Start have made a massive impact on the lives of others by inspiring them to focus on recovery and giving them the confidence to pursue their own creative directions.
Follow us on our social platforms to find out more about our story and share your ideas and creative work with others in recovery.
You can contact us directly if you want to talk through any issues you're having.
This number is manned during opening hours only. Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm.
Creative Start Art in Health CIC
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